Arriving to Chicago ready for Route 66 trip

USA Route 66 Road Trip – Day 1: London to Chicago

Day 1, and after weeks of planning, we're finally off! We decided to splash out and get a driver to take us to the airport, more for the return trip really as after a night flight back to the UK and jet lag we won't feel safe driving.

Had to ring No.1 Traveller yesterday to check on our VIP lounge booking as they hadn't been in touch about meeting us, but they did confirm we would be called on route.

As the weather in Chicago is similar to the UK right now, I decided to wear black jeans, a white t-shirt, yellow cardigan, scarf, Barbour jacket and my Chelsea boots. My travel wallet fits perfectly in my new Healthy Back Bag and I feel ready to go – smart and comfortable. Steve wears walking trousers, Timberland boots, t-shirt, cashmere jumper and a Barbour.

Both our bags were well under the weight limit, unlike some people we saw at the Virgin check-in taking out clothes – embarrassing or what?! We lock our cases with cable ties now, a great tip given to us on our Burma trip by a guy from Seattle – it avoids all the worry of losing keys, locks breaking etc and they are so cheap and easy to replace. It's also easier to spot our bags when so many look the same.

We decided to upgrade our seats on the way out to Premium Economy, and felt we got really good treatment by doing it in person at the Virgin desk.

No.1 Airport Lounge at HeathrowThe No.1 VIP greeter did indeed call us and met us as we pulled up at Heathrow. He walked us to check-in, then through security to the lounge. He was a nice guy and I think if you are from overseas, unfamiliar with the airport or generally need extra assistance then it is well worth the money. For us though, it probably wasn't as we are used to Heathrow and know our way around. The service doesn't get you through things any quicker, but it does take the angst out of knowing where you are going.

The No.1 Lounge is nice, great seating areas and buffet and again it's most worthwhile if you have a long stop-over or a delay – although it was disappointing to see the showers weren't working on this occasion.

Looking forward to our flight now – next stop Chicago!


Written by Helen